Human Rights

May 15th, 2008 | by gene |

This will not be what you think it is. Or may not be. I am writing this post, this day, in support of the joint effort of Amnesty International and the BlogCatalog, the latter of which I am a happy member. I don’t know why I’m not a member of Amnesty International because I fully support each and every one of their goals, objectives, precepts. So, hold on a minute while I go look at their website and bring back a link, :^). Amnesty International Home I did one better, I found their home, I brought back their link and I joined their organization. It turns out we have much in common, giggle. This below I am going to italicize as it comes directly from them. I’ll be back after that for a couple, or three, words.

Who We Are

Amnesty International is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all.

Our supporters are outraged by human rights abuses but inspired by hope for a better world – so we work to improve human rights through campaigning and international solidarity.

We have more than 2.2 million members and subscribers in more than 150 countries and regions and we coordinate this support to act for justice on a wide range of issues.

You can help make a real difference by becoming a member or supporter of Amnesty International.
About Amnesty International
Learn more about our organization, the work we do and how we’re working hard to change people’s lives. More about Amnesty International
Amnesty International in your country
We have offices in more than 80 countries around the world and campaign for human rights for all in many more. More about Amnesty International in your country
Our history
Ever since we started campaigning in 1961, we’ve worked around the globe to stop the abuse of human rights. More about Amnesty International’s history
Our People
Learn more about the people who provide leadership and stewardship for the Amnesty International movement. More about our people
Everything you need to know about Amnesty International, including:

* How do I join Amnesty International?
* Is Amnesty International effective?
* How does Amnesty International carry out its work?
* More FAQs

So – you can go there to learn about them and the work they do. Are they effective? That’s their second bullet point, I think it ought be first. Because what good are words without actions? Now Paul, yes, Paul from Acts on through the rest of the New Testament, says that acts are not necessary, we are saved by grace. He is right. But that is a given. It isn’t a revelation, giggle, and yes that is a bit of a play upon the last book of the “New Testament”. What I mean by it, is that we are all here engaged in an activity in which there are no losers. How can that be? Because what is written in the bible is not true. Largely. I am not saying it is a book of lies written by a pack of fools, though, in a sense, that is perfectly true. It IS a book written by MEN in order to exercise control over other men. When it was written, women were chattels, non-persons for all intents and purposes. Ask yourself, honestly, how much has that changed? Yes, we have had a few female heads of state, yes, there are now a relative handful of women in offices of power and influence, but, and this is a capital BUT, women are still chattels, they are, in a world which has repudiated slavery, still bought and sold. They are trafficked across state lines, AND national boundaries and forced into the world’s oldest profession.

Isn’t that interesting all by itself? That prostitution can be called the world’s oldest profession, yet its practitioners treated as property, not professionals, no CEO’s among them, just broken, beaten and abused children of the Heavenly Father. Sorry, as I wrote that I heard a hymn from my childhood in my head and that is it. Why is it then, that some children of this Heavenly Father are so poorly treated, the most gentle and loving of His children, while the most brutal and ugly of His children are lauded and given stock options?

Amnesty International and BlogCatalog have joined forces on this date, May 15, 2008, that members of both organizations might in a coordinated way, exercise, where we are able, our right to free speech, to speak for those whom have no voices. I am proud and happy to be part of that effort. The point is to call attention to the atrocities occurring across our beloved planet in terms of simple human suffering and the ongoing effort to relieve, alleviate, END it. How can a tragedy such as has struck Myanmar be allowed to happen? Well, the world, our planet, does what it will, it too is alive, if not sentient, in that it is constantly renewing itself, and that renewal can wreak havoc upon we lesser creatures who live on its skin, much as a zillion fleas might die as a dog vigorously scratches its ass. :^). Do you think we are so much more to the planet than those fleas are to our dogs? I tell you we are less.

I have seen where we come from and where we are all going to return, when our time on this planet ends. That stuff is on my main site, you’re welcome to look. For years, I’ve looked for another with those experiences, believing that somehow we could come together and DO something about that which we can plainly SEE is wrong about our world. I have been wrong. Not the first time, lol. And jen says it isn’t wrong either, there is NO wrong, she never told me not to look, only that I wouldn’t find that which I sought. She’s now told me that only one other will ever see what I have seen, what I am here to do is testify to what I have seen, talk about it, write about it, and demonstrate a few things about it, though that part is not yet quite on me. The point has always been to bring what has happened to me via the light INTO the light. That will be important on a day that isn’t today. :^) Yeah, mystery, don’t we all love that? Well I don’t. So there’s me. The rest of you can make up your own mind.

The point, the real point, and this is the main point from the CWG books that are behind so much of what I write, this is not a win or lose proposition. Men would have us believe so, because it is in THEIR best interest, it keeps us subject to them, yes, there are now female “ministers” in virtually all but the Catholic religion, but those are women in men’s clothing, who have sold their souls for a place at that particular table. Now, one can NOT sell one’s soul, that is a figurative phrase. But, to gain acceptance, to have a place at the table, they have come to believe (I HOPE they believe) that what the religions of the world teach is truth. But I tell you here and now, not one living person on this earth has heard the voice of God issuing a call to anything. Not one. That they feel a call, yes, there are guides, we ALL have a guide, but that is a whisper, not a conversation, a leaning, not a directive. And religion at its core is to keep the masses docile. The opiate of the masses it has been called. And so it has been used over the centuries. It persuades the ordinary person that no one might presume to speak TO God, but officials of the church, and that God will certainly NEVER speak directly to anyone so lowly as you. Or me. Or any of those lying desolately in dark cells, or brutally taken from their homes and transported to a place they know nothing of other than that periodically men come in to their rooms and do unspeakable things to them.

This is the world religion has created. And the godless, you say? What of the godless heathens? Do you imagine THEY are any different. Those who follow no religion but brute force? The junta that controls Myanmar? Or the council that subjugates the great Chinese people? There is no difference, it is still men, exercising control over all others, for their own purposes, and profit. We need remember that profit is always part of the equation. During the darkest days of the former Soviet Union, the leaders of the party had marvelous accommodations, while their subjects fought just to stay alive.

Human rights? We all have human rights. The question really is, WHEN are we going to exercise them? Amnesty International is an organization that is dedicated solely to that purpose, as is the accursed ACLU. One of my favorite movies of all time, The American President, starring Michael Douglas and Annette Benning, has one of the greatest speeches of all time written into it, near its end. The sitting President facing re-election and all the silliness that entails, is Michael Douglas, and he is relentlessly attacked by his opponent for being a “card carrying member of the ACLU”. As if that is somehow anti-American. I do admit the ACLU has taken on some odd opponents in its time, but always from the same angle. People are born as free as Elsa. And anything that infringes on those freedoms, specifically those freedoms written in the American Constitution, is WRONG, regardless who profits. And there’s the rub, giggle. So, Michael Douglas, during this climatic speech asks a simple question, but one which resonated through my soul and which I have never forgotten and IS THE POINT OF THIS EXERCISE in freedom of speech today. He asks, the question should not be, why am I a card carrying member of the ACLU, Bob, but why aren’t YOU? This is after all an organization dedicated solely to protecting ALL of the rights guaranteed us by our constitution. mmmm. It is almost an erotic experience, giggle, and in fact does become one in a few minutes, but here we’ll stay focused on the point.

Anyone who opposes Human Rights is not acting as a proper human. Period. Anyone who denies another human their basic dignity, their freedom, is not acting as a proper human. What I have seen causes me to believe, okay, not only what I have seen, but what my jenna has explained to me, that there is no way to lose this “game” of life. We are here to discover who we really are, as Neale Donald Walsch says so often in the CWG series, by understanding who we are not. If one is in a place, THE place I have seen, where love is all there is, how does one know that? Until you know what love is not, you do not know what love is.

Now that is expressed in human terms, but I am a human and those are the only terms I KNOW. And I know it is NOT love to deny ANYONE freedom, dignity, and the opportunity to improve their circumstances. The circumstances into which they were born. THAT means, to me, that EVERY soul on this planet deserves some very basic things. I have talked about this in other posts but not about the how, only the that. :^). Those things, food, shelter, clothing. Whether they work or not, whether they are capable of work or not. We could do this. We COULD do this. The argument immediately arises – but so many would do nothing, if they had those things, and the answer is, so what? Look around you. Do you think most people would be content with mere existence? Would that be enough for them? And the answer is no. Most people would still want to be productive, be unhappy unless they were, most people would continue to do just what they do now, work to improve themselves and their circumstances and that would still be possible. How would this be paid for? Easily, war no more. We are one people on one world. We recognize that, we accept that, we establish a oneworld organization, with each country having representation, and a way to ensure that the small are not dominated by the large, by having one of the legislative bodies by like the US Senate, two representatives from each nation, and no law becomes law, without the concurrence of both legislative bodies. I didn’t forget the pay for it part. If you search my site, you will find a table that shows the total defense spending of the world. We, the US, are so far above the norm that it is ridiculous, the freest nation on earth is the most fearful – what does THAT say about us, giggle?

But if there were one world government, with one world “army” or “police” force, with individual states retaining the autonomy they have now so as to retain their culture, language, etc., ceding only control and enforcement of law to the national body, the savings from eliminating those defense budgets would pay for everything I have advocated here. And, all of the things God advocates through Neale in Book 2. And the most important part? The question of human rights and who deserves them would be laid to rest for ever. Because the truth is, we ALL deserve them. And the only honorable thing for ANY of us to do is ensure we ALL have them. It IS that simple. And then, when we have learned to love each other, we reach for the stars, because they are next. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

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